Senior Does 2 (listed by age)
For more information, click on each doe's name or picture to go to their page.
DOB 5/15/2012 2014 LA: V+V+ 85; 2015 LA: VVVV 88; 2017 LA: VEEV 89
αS1 casein B/B by parentage
Sire: SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B (Rosasharn WT B-Bo ++*B/+*S x SG Rosasharn P Haiku 5*D)
Dam: SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M (SG Agape Oaks FC Miracle +B x Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*M)
6/19/2012 ~ 5/21/2020
2014 LA: ++EV 86; 2015 LA: ++V+ 83; 2017 LA: VVEV 89
αS1 casein B/B
Sire: SG RHV CTO Cointreau +*B (SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B x SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M)
Dam: SG Agape Oaks M Plain Jane 1*M (SG Agape Oaks FC Miracle +B x Flat Rocks Bling Bling)
6/19/2012 ~ 12/6/2022
2014 LA: V+V+ 83; 2015 LA: VVVE 89; 2017 LA: VVVV 87
αS1 casein B/B
Sire: SG RHV CTO Cointreau +*B (SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B x SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M)
Dam: SG RHV CS Golden Topaz (Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes *B x SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M)
~for sale $650~
DOB 3/18/2013
αS1 casein A/B
Sire: Poppy Patch Rollick 'N' Roll (PromisedLand PAL Playboy *B x Poppy Patch Reb's Roxie)
Dam: SG Agape Oaks REM Rocky Rhode 4*M (Agape Oaks GHIR Remembrance x SG Agape Oaks GL Elegance 3*M)
Photo courtesy Joanne Karohl - Dragonfly Farm
5/28/2013 ~ 6/16/2023 2017 LA: +V+A 82
Sire: Caesar's Villa BB Rebel Yell *S (Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn *S x ARMCH Caesar's Villa STS Suthrn Bell)
Dam: Dragonfly IH Jubilation (PromisedLand Incredible Hunk *S x Dragonfly RY Jubilee)
SG RHV AM Golden Flame 4*M/4*D AR
5/30/2013 ~ 7/7/2024
2014 LA: +AV; fs +; 2015 LA: V+EV 86; 2016 LA: VVV+ 84; 2017 LA: +VEE 87
αS1 casein A/B
Sire: Dragonfly T Ashen Myst (CH AGS Flat Rocks Tuan x AGS Doe-Sy-Doe SW Daffodil)
Dam: SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M (SG Agape Oaks FC Miracle +B x AGS Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*M)
3/21/2014 ~ 4/29/2022
2016 LA: +++V 83; 2017 LA: VVVE 88
VGL ID: GO5958; sire and dam qualified; αS1 casein B/E
Sire: *B Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes (++B Rosasharn SW Sapporo x GCH Rosasharn TL Uridice 3*M)
Dam: SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M (SG Agape Oaks FC Miracle +B x AGS Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*M)
4/13/2014~10/22/2023 2016 LA: VVVV 87
αS1 casein B/B
Sire: Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes *B (ARMCH Rosasharn SW Sapporo ++B/+*S x GCH Rosasharn TL Uridice 3*M)
Dam: Rosasharn SH Lady Eowyn 3*M (Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B x ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Arwen 2*M/8*D)
DOB 4/30/2014 ~ 9/13/2018
2016 LA: +V++ 83; 2017 LA: VVEV 86
Sire: RHV CTO Show-Me Flourish +*B (SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B x Chenango-Hills Lizabet 6*M)
Dam: GCH Rosasharn TL Uridice 3*M (++B AGS Rosasharn's Tiger L x SG AGS Rosasharn's Uni 2*M)