SG RHV CTO Sweet Melody 4*M
7/02/2011 ~ 12/2/2018
2012 LA: +++; FS +; 2014 LA: VVEE 89; 2017 LA: VVEV 88
Sire: SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B 03-10 83 +++
SSire: ++*B Rosasharn WT B-Bo 05-01 89 VEE
SDam: SG Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M/5*D 05-02 91 VEEE
Dam: SG Agape Oaks FC Sea Jelly 3*M 04-02 87 VEEV
DSire: SG Flat Rocks Fire Cracker +S/+B 03-02 88 +EE
DDam: Flat Rocks Urchin 2*M 03-00 89 VEEV
Melody is one of several SG Rosasharn BB Cento ++*B daughters born in 2011. She has impressed me as a refined, young dairy doe, but with good strength. As with other Cento daughters, she may be slow to mature into her full potential.
Melody was bred to Dragonfly T Ashen Myst for spring 2013 kids, ultimately resulting in a c-section and a single doe doa. She recovered from her ordeal, and accepted a grafted buckling like a champ. She's developed a lovely first freshening udder up there with the best of our Rosasharn BB Cento +*B daughters.
Melody has a lovely, high and tight udder with wonderful fore extension. Her teats are plumb and nice sized.
Melody has been bred for spring 2014 kids to Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes *B.
Current Lactation
Age Fresh | DIM | Milk # | % BF | % Protein | Height |
1-10 | 301 | 490 | 5.69 | 4.67 | |
2-09 | 354 |
840 | 5.98 | 4.67 | 20.8" |
05-09 |
244 |
339 |
4.7 |
4.1 |
21 1/4" |
Reproductive History
5/11/2013: single doe by Dragonfly T Ashen Myst (RIP)
4/29/2014: quads: 2 does, 2 bucks by *B Rosasharn SP Cleisthenes ~ RHV CS Babykins and Triton's Man O'War *B
4/4/2017: single buck by RHV PZ Butch Cassidy
12 hr, second fresh