Pecan Grove Spirit in the Sky 3*M



 DOB 9/30/2011

2012 LA: VVV; FS V; 2013 LA: +V++ 82

Extended Pedigree


Sire: IronwoodRanch SJ Snickerdoodle *B/*S 01-05 87 VVV

SSire: SG Esperanza MB Smarty Jones +*B/+S 05-06 83 AEE

SDam: DesertNanny HB Samoa 2*M/2*D 05-01 83 ++V+

Dam: SG Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*D 04-04 86 VVEV

DSire: +B Flat Rocks Fire Cracker +S 03-02 88 +EE

DDam: Flat Rocks Golden Rule *M/*D


Sky's ADGA Genetics Page 

 I am thrilled to have another doe out of Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*M!  Sky's maternal sister, SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M, has done very well for us in our herd and I'm hoping to have many more like her!  On Sky's paternal side, her ancestry includes SG Esperanza MB Smarty Jones +*B, who sired other does who I've admired as well.  It will be enjoyable to watch this young doe mature, hopefully expressing exceptional potential!

Sky was bred to her nephew, RHV CTO Cointreau *B, a son of SG Agape Oaks M Golden Fire 3*M for spring 2013 kids.  This was line-breeding on Agape Oaks Fire Hazard 2*M, unfortunately she delivered 3 bucklings.  I so wanted a doeling to retain.  Oh well.  Next time.  For now, I'll enjoy milking that soft, supple udder.


Current Lactation

Age Fresh DIM Milk # % BF % Protein Height
1-06 336 540 6.48 5.00 19.6"

Reproductive History

4/6/2013: triplet bucks by RHV CTO Cointreau *B

3/31/2017: twin bucks by Poppy Patch Rollick 'N' Roll







~Previous Doe~              ~Next Doe~