Dragonfly T Ashen Myst
3/22/2011 ~ 3/22/2019
height 6/1/2013 23.2"
2011 LA: VVV; FS V; 2012 LA: +VE 85; 2013 LA: VEV 87
Sire: CH Flat Rocks Tuan 04-03 90 EEE
SSire: Flat Rocks Gem ++B/+S
SDam: Flat Rocks My Shadow
Dam: Doe-Sy-Doe's SW Daffodil *D 05-00 87 VEVV
DSire: Doe-Sy-Doe's FS Storm Warning *S
DDam: SG Doe-Sy-Doe's Honeysuckle Rose 08-04 87 VVEV
Ashen Myst, or as we call him "Dusty", is a son of CH Flat Rocks Tuan who himself is linebred on Flat Rocks Gem +S. Gem is found in the pedigree of several of our foundation does who we are particularly fond of for having long, wide, and relatively level rumps in addition to strong feet and legs. Based on his linear appraisal, he should have what it takes to preserve those traits in his offspring. We'll be looking forward to seeing evidence of that!
In addition, Dusty is a nice dairy buck, with very good legs and back. We will be using him extensively for 2013 kids, linebreeding loosely on Flat Rocks Gem with some of our outcrossed kids out of Agape Oaks does. Hopefully he'll produce several does for me to keep and freshen!
Dam: Doe-Sy-Doe's SW Daffodil
Photo courtesy Joanne Karohl - Dragonfly Farm
Photo courtesy Joanne Karohl - Dragonfly Farm
Sire: CH Flat Rocks Tuan
Photo courtesy Joanne Karohl - Dragonfly Farm